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Apollo Munich Insurance

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Optima Restore - The Unbelievable Health Plan

Sum Insured from 3-50 lakhs + Restore benefit to auto-reinstate your sum insured + Multiplier benefit offers a no claim benefit of 50% every year + Pre& Post hospitalization coverage for 60 days & 180 days + All Day-care procedures + Domiciliary treatment + Expenses for Organ Donor + Daily Cash for choosing shared accommodation + Emergency Ambulance + Health Checkup ( for sum insured greater than 15 lacs) + E-opinion in respect of Critical illnesses + Lifelong renewal + No additional loadings at renewal due to claims + No sublimits + No co-payment + Critical Advantage Rider

Our first of a kind Optima Restore plan offers a unique Restore benefit that automatically reinstates the basic sum insured in case you exhaust it in a policy year. Sure it sounds too good to be true but here is how it works: If you use up your coverage in an individual policy and fall ill with another illness, we will restore the entire sum insured for you to use, at no extra charge.

It also rewards you with a multiplier benefit in case you don't claim in the policy. The multiplier benefit doubles the sum insured in 2 claim free years!

  • We offer coverage from the age of 5 years onwards with maximum entry age of 65 years. A dependent child can be covered from the 91st day (if either parents are covered under this policy).
  • You and/ or your family members namely spouse, dependent children, dependent parents / parents in law are eligible for buying this cover on individual sum insured basis. (we offer a family discount of 10% if 2 or more family members are covered under the same policy)
  • Maximum 6 members can be added in a single policy. In an individual policy, a maximum of 4 adults and a maximum of 5 children can be included in a single policy.
  • Your premium at renewal may change due to a change in your age or changes in the applicable tax rate.
  • The policy period options include period of 1 or 2 years(s). (We offer 7.5% discount if you opt for a 2 year policy)
Plan Benefits
  • In-Patient Hospitalisation - The medical expenses for coverage for hospitalization of more than 24 hrs with no room rent limits.
  • Pre-Hospitalisation - The medical expenses that you incur due to illness during 60 days immediately before you are hospitalized.
  • Post-Hospitalisation - The medical expenses you incur in the 180 days immediately after you are discharged from hospital. .
  • Day-Care Procedures - The medical expenses for all day-care procedures covered, which do not require 24 hours hospitalization due to technological advancement, are covered.
  • Domiciliary Treatment - The treatment expenses involved in getting a treatment done at home which otherwise would need hospitalization.
  • Organ Donor - Treatment expenses for the organ donor at the time of organ transplant.
  • Daily Cash for Choosing Shared Accommodation - A lump sum amount given for selecting a shared room in a network hospital.
  • Emergency Ambulance - Expenses incurred if ambulance service is used on the way to hospital for hospitalization (up to Rs. 2000).
  • Health Check-up - A comprehensive health check-up involving a number of medical tests only once at the end of a block of two continuous policy years. (For Sum insured above 15 lacs).
  • Restore Benefit - Automatic re-instatement of the basic sum insured, if the basic sum insured and multiplier benefit has been exhausted during the policy year. Basic sum insured will be re-instated only once in a policy year.
  • E-opinion - On request of the Insured person diagnosed with a crticial illness, We will arrange for a second opinion from a medical practitioner selected by the insured person from Our panel. This benefit can be availed once in a policy year.
  • Additional Cover for Critical Advantage Rider (optional) You can opt to cover yourself worldwide at our network centers against treatment expenses for 8 major illnesses that include Cancer, Coronary Artery by-pass surgery, Heart Valve replacement / repair, Neurosurgery, Live Donor Organ Transplant, Bone Marrow Transplant, Pulmonary artery graft surgery and Aorta Graft Surgery. The rider offers you freedom to not only avail best healthcare Planning world over but also covers all travel costs for the insured and accompanying relative, accommodation expenses, second opinion & post hospitalization expenses. This rider will be offered where base policy Sum Insured is Rs.10 lacs & above. This rider can be issued to an individual and/or family only on individual Sum Insured basis.
Other Benefits
  • Multiplier Benefit - You get a bonus of 50% of the basic sum insured for every claim free year accumulating up to 100%. (In the event of a claim, the bonus shall be reduced by 50% of the Basic Sum Insured at the time of renewal).
  • Cashless Service - You need to obtain a pre-authorization for all planned admissions atleast 48 hours prior to actual admission or regularize any 'emergency' admission within 24 hours post the admission. The details of the process and the documentation requirements are given in the guide-book sent along with the policy.
  • Sum Insured Enhancement - Sum Insured can be enhanced only at the time of renewal subject to no claim have been lodged/ paid under the policy. If the insured increases the sum insured one grid up, no fresh medicals shall be required. In cases where the sum insured increase is more than one grid up, the case shall be subject to medicals. In case of increase in the sum insured waiting period will apply afresh in relation to the amount by which the sum insured has been enhanced. However, the quantum of increase shall be at the discretion of the company.
  • Portability - If you are insured with some other company's health insurance and you want to shift to us on renewal, you can. Our portability policy is customer friendly and aims to achieve the transfer of most of the accrued benefits and makes due allowances for waiting periods etc.
  • Tax Benefits - With the Optima Restore Individual Health Insurance Plan you can presently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws)

With increasing stress levels and work pressure, we help you take care of your wealth by managing your health! We bring to you our "Stay Healthy" Program that offers

  • Online health assessment
  • Customized diet & exercise plan from our experts
  • E- storage facilities to store your medical reports for 24X7 access
  • Great offers & discounts on heath products & Planning
  • Set alerts to track your health appointments and medicinal intake
  • Exclusive health newsletter & helpline Planning

And lots more....

The above benefits are offered for policies with sum insured greater than 5 lacs.

In addition, Health Line Planning & Discounts at our listed partner's network are provided in all sum insured – You just need to call us and quote your customer ID to reach our experts and avail their help in primary consultation, health-related counseling, individual referrals, health information, nutrition and diet.

  • Our Optima Restore policy offers lifelong renewability i.e there is no maximum cover ceasing age in this policy
  • Grace Period of 30 days for renewing the policy is provided under this policy.
  • Waiting periods as mentioned in the policy wording gets reduced by 1 year on every continuous renewal of your Optima Restore Insurance policy.
  • Renewal premium are subject to change with prior approval from IRDA. Any change in benefits or premium (other than due to change in age) will be done with the approval of the IRDA and will be intimated atleast 3 months in advance.
  • All treatments within the first 30 days of cover except any accidental injury
  • Any pre-existing condition will be covered after a waiting period of 3 years
  • 2 years waiting period for specific diseases like cataract, hernia, joint replacement surgeries, surgery of hydrocele etc.
  • Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases
  • Congenital diseases, mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery and weight control treatments
  • Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol
  • Hospitalization due to war or an act of war or due to a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon and radiation of any kind
  • Pregnancy, dental treatment, external aids and appliances unless covered under the specific Easy Health Insurance Plan
  • Items of personal comfort and convenience
  • Experimental, investigative and unproven treatment devices and pharmacological regimens

Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.


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Dengue Care Plan - Comprehensive & Exclusive Cover for Dengue Fever

Inpatient Treatment + Pre-hospitalization + Post-hospitalization + Shared Accommodation Benefit + Outpatient Benefits + Same Premiums Across All Age + No Pre Policy Check-up + Tax Benefits

  • This policy covers persons in the age group 91 days to 65 years. The maximum entry age is restricted upto 65 years. The Minimum entry age for Adult is 18 years and maximum is 65 years. The minimum entry age for child is 91 days and the maximum is 25 years
  • No maximum cover ceasing age
  • An individual and/or his family members namely spouse, dependent children and parents are eligible for buying this cover.
  • This cover will be offered on individual Sum Insured basis only.
  • This is an annual policy.
  • he premium for the policy will remain the same for the policy period as mentioned in the policy schedule
  • A maximum of 6 members can be added in a single policy. A maximum of 4 adults and a maximum of 5 children can be included in a single policy.
Inpatient Benefits
  • In-Patient Hospitalisation- Treatment arising from Dengue fever where Insured Person has to stay in a Hospital for more than 24 hours.
  • Pre-Hospitalisation - The medical expenses incurred due to illness during 15 days immediately before hospitalization.
  • Post-Hospitalisation -The medical expenses you incur in the 15 days immediately after you are discharged from hospital.
  • Shared Accommodation Benefit - If the Insured Person is Hospitalized in Shared Accommodation in a Network Hospital, exclusion for non payable items under Section III C v) of Policy wordings will be waived off.
Outpatient Benefits

The following benefits are available to all Insured Persons during the Policy Period if NS1 (nonstructural protein 1) is positive in result. Any claims made under these benefits will be subject to Out-patient Sum Insured.

  • Outpatient Consultations - Outpatient consultation by a general Medical Practitioner for treatment of Dengue fever.
  • Diagnostic Tests - Outpatient diagnostic tests for Dengue fever taken by the Insured Person from a diagnostic centre
  • Pharmacy - Medicines purchased by the Insured Person from a pharmacy, provided that such medicines have been prescribed for treatment of Dengue Fever.
  • Home Nursing - We will also reimburse the Medical Expenses for necessary medical treatment taken by the Insured Person by our empanelled medical practitioner at home for treatment of Dengue fever.
Other Benefits
  • Cashless Service - You need to obtain a pre-authorization for all planned admissions atleast 48 hours prior to actual admission or regularize any 'emergency' admission within 24 hours post the admission. The details of the process and the documentation requirements are given in the claim procedure document.
  • Tax Benefits - With the Dengue Care Plan you can presently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws)
  • Renewal Terms - Dengue Care offers lifelong renewability i.e there is no maximum cover ceasing age in this policy. Grace Period of 30 days for renewing the policy is provided under this policy.
  • Any Treatment other than for Dengue fever
  • Vitamins and tonics unless certified to be required by the attending Medical Practitioner as a direct consequence of an otherwise covered claim
  • Specified healthcare providers (Hospitals /Medical Practitioners)
  • Treatment rendered by a Medical Practitioner which is outside his discipline or the discipline for which he is licensed.
  • Any treatment or part of a treatment that is not of a reasonable charge, not Medically Necessary; drugs or treatments which are not supported by a prescription.
  • Charges related to a Hospital stay not expressly mentioned as being covered, including but not limited to charges for admission, discharge, administration, registration, documentation and filing.
  • Any non medical expenses mentioned in Annexure I of Policy wordings

For complete exclusions please refer to the policy document.


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Optima Vital- The critical Illness Plan

Sum Insured starting from 1Lac to 50 Lacs+ Lumpsum payment for 37 defined critical illness+ E-opinion for diagnosed critical illness

  • We offer coverage from the age of 18 years onwards with maximum entry age of 65 years. A dependent child can be covered from 18 years upto 25 years provided both parents are covered in a critical illness plan of an Indian Insurer.
  • You and/ or your family members namely spouse, dependent children, dependent parents are eligible for buying this cover on individual sum insured basis.
  • Maximum 6 members can be added in a single policy. In an individual policy, a maximum of 4 adults and a maximum of 5 children can be included in a single policy.
  • Your premium at renewal may change due to a change in your age or changes in the applicable tax rate.
  • The policy period options include period of 1 or 2 years(s). (We offer 7.5% discount if you opt for a 2 year policy)
Plan Benefits
  • Optima Vital Insurance will pay you a lump sum amount for the identified critical illness, medical events or surgical procedures. This amount is payable on confirmed diagnosis with defined severity of the illness or the date of undergoing specified surgery in respect of that Critical Illness and the insured surviving the defined survival period.
Other Benefits
  • E-opinion - On request of the Insured person diagnosed with a crticial illness, We will arrange for a second opinion from a medical practitioner selected by the insured person from Our panel. This benefit can be availed once in a policy year.
  • Portability - If you are insured with some other company's health insurance and you want to shift to us on renewal, you can. Our Portability Policy is customer friendly and aims to achieve the transfer of most of the accrued benefits and makes due allowances for waiting periods etc.
  • Tax Benefit - With the Critical Illness Insurance Plan you can currently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws).
  • Sum Insured Enhancement - Sum Insured can be enhanced only at the time of renewal subject to no claim have been lodged/ paid under the policy. If the insured increases the sum insured the case shall be subject to medicals. In case of increase in the sum insured waiting period will apply afresh in relation to the amount by which the sum insured has been enhanced. However, the quantum of increase shall be at the discretion of the company.
  • Our Optima Vital policy offers lifelong renewability i.e there is no maximum cover ceasing age in this policy
  • Grace Period of 30 days for renewing the policy is provided under this policy.
  • Waiting periods as mentioned in the policy wording gets reduced by 1 year on every continuous renewal of your Optima Vital Insurance policy.
  • Renewal premium are subject to change with prior approval from IRDA. Any change in benefits or premium (other than due to change in age) will be done with the approval of the IRDA and will be intimated atleast 3 months in advance.
  • All illnesses & treatments within the first 90 days of the cover
  • Any pre-existing condition will be covered after a waiting period of 48 months
  • Any critical illness in presence of HIV infection and / or any AIDS
  • Congenital internal and external diseases, defects or anomalies.
  • Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol
  • War or an act of war or due to a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon and radiation of any kind
  • Any treatment arising from pregnancy (including voluntary termination), miscarriage, maternity or birth (including caesarean section)

Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.


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Special Plan For Diabetic

Energy – The Sweetest Thing for people living with Diabetes

Sum Insured from 2- 10 lacs + Hospitalization+ Pre-hospitalisation+ Post hospitalization+ 144 Day-care procedures + Expenses for Organ Donor + Emergency Ambulance + No sublimit + lifelong renewal + No additional loadings at renewal due to claims +Personalized disease management portal + Wellness discount & Incentives + Doctors consultation + Discounted health offerings

  • e offer coverage from the age of 18 years to 65 years for individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG), Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) and/or Hypertension.
  • Your premium at renewal may change due to a change in your age or changes in the applicable tax rate.
  • The policy will be issued for 1 year.
  • The plan has 2 variants – Gold (cost of wellness test included) & Silver (cost of wellness test excluded), both available with/ without the copayment option of 20%.
Plan Benefits
Comprehensive health coverage
  • ay 1 coverage for all hospitalisation arising out of Diabetes and Hypertension (with no waiting period)
  • Inpatient hospitalisation coverage with no sublimits, including coverage for pre and post hospitalisation.
  • Sum insured options ranging from 2 lacs to 10 lacs.
Health management with a health reward program
  • n optional diagnostic monitoring program which includes a doctor consultation, to monitor and manage your health.
  • Wellness incentives are offered on good health management through premium discounts and additional coverage for any health expenses
Support through a Health Eco-System
  • personalised health coach to help guide you throughout your journey towards a healthy & active lifestyle and also support you with personalised diet and fitness plans.
  • An access to a wellness portal that conducts an HRA, tracks your medical values, stores medical records, provides offers for health service and products.
  • Access to a centralised helpline to answer any queries you may have.
  • A health market place which offers you healthy discounts on health merchandise, pharmacies, health foods, medical equipment's like glucometers etc.
Other Benefits
  • Cashless Service - You need to obtain a pre-authorization for all planned admissions atleast 48 hours prior to actual admission or regularize any 'emergency' admission within 24 hours post the admission. The details of the process and the documentation requirements are given in the guide-book sent along with the policy
  • Sum Insured Enhancement - Sum Insured can be enhanced only at the time of renewal subject to no claim have been lodged/ paid under the policy. If the insured increases the sum insured one grid up, no fresh medicals shall be required. In cases where the sum insured increase is more than one grid up, the case shall be subject to medicals. In case of increase in the sum insured waiting period will apply afresh in relation to the amount by which the sum insured has been enhanced. However, the quantum of increase shall be at the discretion of the company.
  • Portability - If you are insured with some other company's health insurance and you want to shift to us on renewal, you can. Our portability policy is customer friendly and aims to achieve the transfer of most of the accrued benefits and makes due allowances for waiting periods etc.
  • Tax Benefits - With Energy Plan, you can presently avail tax benefits for the premium amount under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act. (Tax benefits are subject to changes in Tax Laws)

With increasing stress levels and work pressure, we help you take care of your wealth by managing your health! We bring to you our "Stay Healthy" Program that offers

  • Online health assessment
  • Customized diet & exercise plan from our experts
  • E- storage facilities to store your medical reports for 24X7 access
  • Great offers & discounts on heath products & Planning
  • Set alerts to track your health appointments and medicinal intake
  • Exclusive health newsletter & helpline Planning

And lots more....

The above benefits are offered for policies with sum insured greater than 5 lacs.

In addition, Health Line Planning & Discounts at our listed partner's network are provided in all sum insured – You just need to call us and quote your customer ID to reach our experts and avail their help in primary consultation, health-related counseling, individual referrals, health information, nutrition and diet.

  • nergy offers lifelong renewability i.e there is no maximum cover ceasing age in this policy.
  • Grace Period of 30 days for renewing the policy is provided under this policy.
  • Waiting periods as mentioned in the policy wordings gets reduced by 1 year on every continuous renewal of your Energy policy.
  • Renewal premium are subject to change with prior approval from IRDA. Any change in benefits or premium (other than due to change in age) will be done with the approval of the IRDA and will be intimated atleast 3 months in advance.
  • Any pre-existing condition will be covered after a waiting period of 3 years. Any condition or illness, complication or ailment arising out of or connected to the condition of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus or Impaired Fasting Glucose (IFG) or Impaired Glucose Tolerance (IGT) or Hypertension is not a part of this waiting period.
  • 2 years waiting period for specific diseases like cataract, hernia, joint replacement surgeries, surgery of hydrocele etc.
  • Expenses arising from HIV or AIDS and related diseases.
  • Congenital diseases, mental disorder or insanity, cosmetic surgery and weight control treatments.
  • Abuse of intoxicant or hallucinogenic substances like intoxicating drugs and alcohol.
  • Hospitalization due to war or an act of war or due to a nuclear, chemical or biological weapon and radiation of any kind.
  • Pregnancy, dental treatment, external aids and appliances unless covered under the Plan.
  • Items of personal comfort and convenience.
  • Experimental, investigative and unproven treatment devices and pharmacological regimens.

Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.

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Personal Accident Insurance Plan

While accident can happen to anyone irrespective of the time or place, its impact on the victim's life or those dependent on him/her can vary from small to big, permanent to temporary. Apollo Munich understands 'life is precious' and prepare you against life's uncertainties with personal accident insurance that cover a number of eventualities.

Apollo Munich individual personal accident insurance policy is issued for the period of one year and compensates for injuries sustained, occurred anywhere in the world.

The policy compensates the nominee with a fixed sum insured in the event of accidental death of the policyholder whereas in case of partial or total permanent disability, compensation is in the form of fixed sum insured, as per the scale provided in the policy. The policy also covers you for any hospitalization or outpatient expenses you may incur on account of an accident.

Buy an individual personal accident insurance policy online and take away the risk from your loved ones life by securing their future now.