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Sum Insured from 3-50 lakhs + Restore benefit to auto-reinstate your sum insured + Multiplier benefit offers a no claim benefit of 50% every year + Pre& Post hospitalization coverage for 60 days & 180 days + All Day-care procedures + Domiciliary treatment + Expenses for Organ Donor + Daily Cash for choosing shared accommodation + Emergency Ambulance + Health Checkup ( for sum insured greater than 15 lacs) + E-opinion in respect of Critical illnesses + Lifelong renewal + No additional loadings at renewal due to claims + No sublimits + No co-payment + Critical Advantage Rider
Our first of a kind Optima Restore plan offers a unique Restore benefit that automatically reinstates the basic sum insured in case you exhaust it in a policy year. Sure it sounds too good to be true but here is how it works: If you use up your coverage in an individual policy and fall ill with another illness, we will restore the entire sum insured for you to use, at no extra charge.
It also rewards you with a multiplier benefit in case you don't claim in the policy. The multiplier benefit doubles the sum insured in 2 claim free years!
With increasing stress levels and work pressure, we help you take care of your wealth by managing your health! We bring to you our "Stay Healthy" Program that offers
And lots more....
The above benefits are offered for policies with sum insured greater than 5 lacs.
In addition, Health Line Planning & Discounts at our listed partner's network are provided in all sum insured – You just need to call us and quote your customer ID to reach our experts and avail their help in primary consultation, health-related counseling, individual referrals, health information, nutrition and diet.
Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.
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Inpatient Treatment + Pre-hospitalization + Post-hospitalization + Shared Accommodation Benefit + Outpatient Benefits + Same Premiums Across All Age + No Pre Policy Check-up + Tax Benefits
The following benefits are available to all Insured Persons during the Policy Period if NS1 (nonstructural protein 1) is positive in result. Any claims made under these benefits will be subject to Out-patient Sum Insured.
For complete exclusions please refer to the policy document.
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Sum Insured starting from 1Lac to 50 Lacs+ Lumpsum payment for 37 defined critical illness+ E-opinion for diagnosed critical illness
Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.
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Energy – The Sweetest Thing for people living with Diabetes
Sum Insured from 2- 10 lacs + Hospitalization+ Pre-hospitalisation+ Post hospitalization+ 144 Day-care procedures + Expenses for Organ Donor + Emergency Ambulance + No sublimit + lifelong renewal + No additional loadings at renewal due to claims +Personalized disease management portal + Wellness discount & Incentives + Doctors consultation + Discounted health offerings
With increasing stress levels and work pressure, we help you take care of your wealth by managing your health! We bring to you our "Stay Healthy" Program that offers
And lots more....
The above benefits are offered for policies with sum insured greater than 5 lacs.
In addition, Health Line Planning & Discounts at our listed partner's network are provided in all sum insured – You just need to call us and quote your customer ID to reach our experts and avail their help in primary consultation, health-related counseling, individual referrals, health information, nutrition and diet.
Please refer to the Policy Wording for the complete list of exclusions.
Looking for an Insurance plan ! or
Want guidance in selecting a plan, just fill the form below & get in touch with us
While accident can happen to anyone irrespective of the time or place, its impact on the victim's life or those dependent on him/her can vary from small to big, permanent to temporary. Apollo Munich understands 'life is precious' and prepare you against life's uncertainties with personal accident insurance that cover a number of eventualities.
Apollo Munich individual personal accident insurance policy is issued for the period of one year and compensates for injuries sustained, occurred anywhere in the world.
The policy compensates the nominee with a fixed sum insured in the event of accidental death of the policyholder whereas in case of partial or total permanent disability, compensation is in the form of fixed sum insured, as per the scale provided in the policy. The policy also covers you for any hospitalization or outpatient expenses you may incur on account of an accident.
Buy an individual personal accident insurance policy online and take away the risk from your loved ones life by securing their future now.