Commission Disclosure

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We are purely a distributor of Mutual fund and hence earn our commission as a product distributor. However incidental to our Planning, we provide add on Planning like- Financial Planning , Fixed Deposit investments, Insurance advisory and others. However we do not charge any extra fees for any of these incidental Planning due to our key source of Income as a distributor of Mutual Funds.

As a part of our own philosophy we keep a very transparent and clear disclosure of our earnings for the understanding of our clients:

SL No Mutual Fund Type Commission Method Rate Range Paid from
1 Debt Trail 0.10% to 0.60% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
2 Equity Trail 0.60% to 1.30% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
3 Hybrid Funds Trail 0.60% to 1.30% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC
4 Liquid Funds Trail 0.05% to 0.50% Portfolio Expenses charged by the AMC

Still want to know more about our commission and want to measure its worth vis- a vis our services ?
Just E mail us at or call us at 9218507770